Address drug charges head-on

On Behalf of | Sep 20, 2018 | Drug Charges

We recently discussed some points that Oklahoma residents might find interesting about marijuana. This is far from the only drug that is illegal in this state. For anyone who is using illegal drugs or using prescriptions that weren’t written to them, there is a risk of facing criminal charges.

Drug charges are serious matters because of the many implications they can have on your life. When you are still working on your defense, you might find that other aspects of your life have to be put on the back burner. You have to spend time planning the defense strategy. We are here to help.

Another way that these might affect you is that you might not be able to continue doing your job. There are times when drug charges can lead to you having trouble finding a job or holding your current one. We know that this is troubling, but you might notice that this issue is amplified if you are convicted.

On top of these challenges that come with facing the charges, you also have to think about how a conviction might impact you. Some of the easiest impacts to think about include possible time in jail and fines. You might also face the possibility of being placed on probation or having to do community service.

We know that you are probably ready to get the process started. We are here to work with you. We will help you find the strategic options that might apply to your case. Once we know your goals for the case, we can get started on putting a plan together for your defense.