Explore defense options for drug charges

People who are addicted to drugs often focus on where they can get their next hit, but they don't think too much about what will happen if they get caught. This can mean that they are facing some very serious charges that can range from possession charges up to...

Evidence is vital in murder cases

When you are facing a murder charge, you have to examine all the evidence against you so that you know exactly what you are up against. One of the things to consider is that the police officers have likely done quite a bit of investigative work to present information...

Immediately work on your drunk driving defense

Summer months mean bonfires with friends. These fun events might have alcohol available, which means that anyone who is planning on knocking back a few drinks will need to plan on a way to get home. If you try to drive after you've had adult beverages, you are facing...

Interrogations have specific requirements

There are many questions that come up when people are thinking about interactions with police officers. Some of these center around the behavior of the law enforcement officials during an interrogation. In some cases, the question is about what constitutes an...