Medical marijuana legalization can challenge law enforcement

On Behalf of | Jul 20, 2019 | Marijuana Charges

With the legalization of medical marijuana in Oklahoma, people are having to learn specific points that have to do with this topic. One thing that everyone must remember, including those who can legally use marijuana now, is that you can’t drive while you are impaired from the substance. You can face criminal charges if you are found to be operating a motor vehicle while you’re impaired from any substance.

One issue that is likely to come up now is that it is very difficult for law enforcement be able to definitively tell if a person is impaired by marijuana or not. Still, it is imperative that they try to take steps to keep the roads safe.

In order to show the public how much marijuana can impact a person’s ability to drive and to show how officers can try to ascertain a driver’s impairment, an awareness event is being held. It is sponsored by a medical marijuana business and is being done in conjunction with law enforcement.

The event will be held at the Muskogee-Davis Regional Airport. Three groups of people will drive through a cone course. When they are done, they will have a sobriety test. One group will consist of people who have used marijuana. Another will be comprised of people who are texting while driving. The final group will have consumed alcohol.

If you are pulled over and are suspected of being under the influence of marijuana, you should remember that you have rights. Pay close attention to what’s happening because even small things could become major focal points of your defense against the criminal charges you might face.