BAC can play a major role in DUI cases

On Behalf of | Sep 18, 2019 | Uncategorized

No one wants to be on the receiving end of accusations from a police officer. Still, it can happen to anyone. A police officer may have recently pulled you over for a traffic violation, and you ended up facing a more serious situation than anticipated.

Not only did the officer suspect you of a traffic or vehicle violation, he or she also suspected you of driving under the influence. You may have immediately begun to panic because you know that DUI charges could have significant impacts on your future, but you also know that you have the right to defend against any type of criminal allegation.

What can lead to a DUI charge?

In Oklahoma, and most other states, your blood alcohol concentration level will play an important role in determining whether an officer considers you intoxicated or impaired. You may think that you could avoid giving officers this type of evidence by refusing to take a breath test, but that state’s implied consent laws mean that you essentially gave your consent to take such tests when you obtained your driver’s license. If you refuse, you could face immediate consequences.

The per se BAC limit is 0.08%, which means that you do not have to display any other signs of impairment if your breath test indicates this result. Additionally, you could face enhanced DUI charges if your BAC level reaches or exceeds 0.15%. An aggravated DUI charge could come with more severe penalties if you face a conviction.

What consequences could you face?

In the event of a conviction, the court could issue a sentence that involves driver’s license suspension, mandatory alcohol assessment and treatment, possible vehicle confiscation, and possible ignition interlock installation on your vehicle. Of course, there is also the possibility of jail time depending on the details of your case.

Undoubtedly, you would rather avoid all negative consequences that could stem from a DUI charge. Luckily, you have the opportunity to create and present a criminal defense against the charges in court. In an effort to better understand your available legal options, you may want to utilize local legal resources for information. It could also be in your best interests to work with a criminal defense attorney who could help you determine what courses of action could best suit your specific case.